
Birth: 06/29/2024

Spitz Alemão

Males: 1

Females: 1

Available: 2

Check Out the Pedigree

Puppies Spitz Alemão


Golden Furrballs Mighty Rockstar Golden Furrballs Mighty Rockstar

Golden Furrballs Mighty Rockstar

Gran Schiavo Rolls-Royce Gran Schiavo Rolls-Royce

Gran Schiavo Rolls-Royce

Golden Furrballs Maleficent Villainess Golden Furrballs Maleficent Villainess

Golden Furrballs Maleficent Villainess

Victory's Flame Lifestyle Victory's Flame Lifestyle

Victory's Flame Lifestyle

Wee Hearts Rockin Robin of Lenette Wee Hearts Rockin Robin of Lenette

Wee Hearts Rockin Robin of Lenette

BR Gladiator's Mistral BR Gladiator's Mistral

BR Gladiator's Mistral

Golden Furrballs Sweet Victory Golden Furrballs Sweet Victory

Golden Furrballs Sweet Victory




D'Olivier Poms Sunny Morning D'Olivier Poms Sunny Morning

D'Olivier Poms Sunny Morning

Lupus Golden Poms Black Magic Lupus Golden Poms Black Magic

Lupus Golden Poms Black Magic

Fox and Roll Framboesa Fox and Roll Framboesa

Fox and Roll Framboesa

Hilmand's Poms For Once In My Life Hilmand's Poms For Once In My Life

Hilmand's Poms For Once In My Life

Lupus Golden Poms Secret Love Lupus Golden Poms Secret Love

Lupus Golden Poms Secret Love

Golden Furrballs Mr. Smarty Pants Golden Furrballs Mr. Smarty Pants

Golden Furrballs Mr. Smarty Pants

Loving Dale Papaya Cream Loving Dale Papaya Cream

Loving Dale Papaya Cream